Research Interests
Phonetics-phonology interface, articulatory synergies and phonological representation, experimental phonetics and phonology, computational phonology, register-specific phonology (phonological strategies for cuteness and Korean Aegyo)
Department of English Language and Literature
- English linguistics 101 (S2024)
- Data science for language analysis (F2024)
- [Graduate] Research methods in English phonetics (F2024)
Division of English
- English pronunciation practice/understanding: phonetics and phonology (S2021, S2022, F2022, F2023)
- English word practice: morphology (F2021, S2023)
- Web-based English: corpus linguistics (S2022, S2023)
- English and big data, Data-based English: R programming and text analysis (F2021, F2022, F2023)
- English, society and culture: sociolinguistics (S2021, S2022)
- English and fields of academic study: English as a language, English reading (F2021, F2022, S2023, F2023)
- Writing business documents in English: English writing (S2021, S2022)
- English society and listening, Media listening practice: English listening and pronunciation (S2023, F2023)
- [Graduate] English phonology (F2021, F2022)
- [Graduate] English morphology (F2021, F2023)
- [Graduate] Seminar in applied linguistics: research methodology (S2022)
- [Graduate] Corpus statistics (S2023)
Department of Linguistics (Advisor: Jongho Jun)
- Selection and purchase of laboratory equipment and furniture
- Organization of the laboratory workshop
- Organization of the colloquium
- Management of undergraduate RAs
Human Language and Technology (Undergraduate, G.E.)
- phonetics and speech recognition (matlab programming)
- with Prof. Louis Goldstein (F2015, F2017), Prof. Khalil Iskarous (S2016), and Prof. Mary Byram Washburn (F2016, S2017, S2018)
- Teaching lab sessions (1.5 hours each week * 3 labs per semester)
- Grading of exams and assignments
- Student management (2 hours each week of office hours)
Selected Publications
Please check the resume PDF (CV) for a complete list of publications.
Journal of Global Marketing
PLOS ONE 18(10), e0292460
Names: A Journal of Onomastics 71(2), 46-60
Language and Linguistics Compass